Monday 26 November 2012

Are you feeling dragged down by a cold? Here are a few of my home remedies to get you back on your feet again.

1. Don't shut down completely.

Now you may or may not agree with this one. Yes you should try to keep rested, and take things easy... but at the same time you shouldn't enter hibernation mode for a good 2 weeks.. Because when you wake up again you won't know what to do with yourself. Basically what I'm saying is still try to take time to do the things you normally love. It will put you in a chipper mood.

2. Chew some gum.

It'll help clear or soothe an aching throat, and might even open your sinuses. Give it a try, I'm chomping on a piece now and feel completely refreshed.

3. Keep Hydrated.

Water reduces the amount of toxins in your body, and essentially it flushes harmful things away. Do yourself a favour and glug some down.

4. Cough Candy.

They might not do any throat healing magic, but hey. They taste delicious.

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