Friday, 10 January 2014

Wolves, Minks, Coyotes and Porcupines.

Hello blog reading friends!
                         As you have more than likely noticed... my blog posts tend to be all over the place and on different topics each time.
To keep going with that direction; today's topic is on interesting animal facts.
The inspiration of this chosen topic comes from taking an Agriculture class at my school where we've been learning about all sorts of different animals. Their scientific names.. families and orders they belong in and all that kind of awesome stuff.

Here's a compilation of a few things I've learnt through the process.. from a number of different sources.

1: Moose have terrible eyesight.

2: A group of porcupines is called a "prickle". Hehe.

3. The scientific name for a wolverine is "Gulo gulo" which actually means glutton in latin.

I'm going to keep it short and sweet for today.. so adios!

            awwweh aweehh 

   ~Jenna signing off~

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