Wednesday, 2 January 2013

The Ups and Downs of Life.

Life can suck. A person you loved.. can die at any moment of time.
And like a rose.. we too will all pass at some point. You can never know when. A close family friend of mine passed away about 2 weeks ago.. and today my neighbour is gone. A lot of the time there is no predicting it. With the snap of you fingers.. someone that meant the world to you.. leaves this world behind.. But the question is.. what happens next? Is there a life after  death??

I believe yes. There is heaven and there is hell. All who believe in God, The Son, and The Holy spirit and have chosen to live for him.. go to heaven. And those that do not go to hell. Sure it sounds harsh. And in reality it is. And as a christian girl, my goal is to try and reach as my non-believers as possible.. and show them the true love of God.. and how there is a spot with their name on it in Heaven.. but the only way they'll get that ''spot'' is if they choose the right path to get there.

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