Monday, 28 January 2013


(although it is never quite official because
I/and other fellow funksters are continually
adding new terminology and such.)

funksters: A group of unique individuals that

are not afraid of being themselves, and 
our known for being leaders among their peers
with their contagious enthusiasm, and love
for blogging.. They are known to communicate
using an under the radar IM app called ''Kik
Messenger'' and  created their
own instagram accounts long before
it was all the rage. Or as funksters would
say before it was ''downstream''.

downstream: Mainstream..(popular and overrated.)

funksterlicious: irresistible to a funkster.

S.W.A.G: to a funkster this word does not

actually contain the original meaning but
in fact stands for ''So We Are Groovy.''

funkly: ''Woah man I was so funkly the other night''

synonyms include: hyper, energetic, pumped..

funkstee: a young one who is new to the funkster

way of life and has not yet developed a full understanding.
(newb..or n00b.)

funkeets: Funkster wannabes.

funkshine: sunshine. ( never would've guessed that one, eh?)

funkermoment: an overwhelming sense of joy.

Mystery Night: Was created/led by Jenna McNaught over 

kik messenger and it  caught on like wild fire ever since.
It is an online role playing game where users 
get to select a character, and enter a world
of fast paced action and mystery, as new
stories unfold each night, and our narrated
by Jenna. Features include
story telling, audio and video files for each
user, and custom profile pictures for
each player to use as their own.
There will be many more Mystery Night
events in the future.

funksaster: a disaster. or unfortunate event.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Chapter 1

We are trapped inside, and have been for as long as I
can remember. Encaged in a place called ''the Jar''.
One day I believe we'll find a way out. An escape.
And like in my most vivid daydreams.. we'll be free
as the birds in a place called the sky.
We never stop trying. Always pursueing what
could one day become our freedom...
So we work for it.
We use our bare hands.
And well.. we do have a little more
than that to work with it.

The tools that were left here.
 To utilize for our own escape? Likely not.
My bet is that the humans forget them here.
Afterall. It could very well be true. Due
to their carless nature...

What kind's of tools? Toothpicks.
In the jar we refer to them as Breakaways.

They help us to chip away at the walls of glass
that enclose us on all four sides. Are we making progress?
We try to imagine so.

-part one of Jarred- by Jenna McNaught.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Short Story Ideas.

 Today I am going to be sharing (because sharing is caring right) some of my latest fictional story ideas, to see which you're most interested in seeing here on my blog. To vote enter the [code number] listed beside each ''preview piece'' in the commenting battlezone below. Which is located beneath this article.

#001- Vision-by Jenna McNaught

I wonder what's it like to see.
To read people by their facial expressions,
to look up and see the sunlight streaming through the trees.
To see yourself. To see others. And to see the world that you
call your own, without ever catching sight of it.

#002- Jarred-by Jenna McNaught

We are trapped inside, and have been for as long as I
can remember. Encaged in a place called ''the Jar''.
One day I believe we'll find a way out. An escape.
And like in my most vivid daydreams.. we'll be free
as the birds in a place called the sky.

#003- Train Life- by Jenna McNaught

I'm always on the move. It's like I'm running
from some sort of invisible threat. A monster
perhaps. But he/or she or IT never catches me.
I am weightless. And my body propells me forward.
Go go go.  But I always stop at some point. A jolt
of electricity goes through me. And I can no longer
make myself go onwards. A train. I can't.
I won't. I won't go on a train.
The memories are just too strong.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Most Treasured Christmas Ornaments...

Over the years, my family has accumulated a wonderful collection of Christmas ornaments.
(Some more tacky than others) but each holds a memory of some kind.

This mouse decoration was one of my favourites, growing up as a young girl.
Still love it to this day.

There's something mighty special about this drum. It definitely represents my mom and I's passion for all things musical.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

The Ups and Downs of Life.

Life can suck. A person you loved.. can die at any moment of time.
And like a rose.. we too will all pass at some point. You can never know when. A close family friend of mine passed away about 2 weeks ago.. and today my neighbour is gone. A lot of the time there is no predicting it. With the snap of you fingers.. someone that meant the world to you.. leaves this world behind.. But the question is.. what happens next? Is there a life after  death??

I believe yes. There is heaven and there is hell. All who believe in God, The Son, and The Holy spirit and have chosen to live for him.. go to heaven. And those that do not go to hell. Sure it sounds harsh. And in reality it is. And as a christian girl, my goal is to try and reach as my non-believers as possible.. and show them the true love of God.. and how there is a spot with their name on it in Heaven.. but the only way they'll get that ''spot'' is if they choose the right path to get there.