Sunday, 26 May 2013

The Campfire Collection:Part One

I love campfires.  The smoke, the ash, and the way that they can bring a group of people together. Where individuals begin to share stories;of their life, their faith, and how they got to where they are today. Powerful stuff I tell you.
Today, I just got back from an amazing youth retreat up at a Camp, and about a week before that I was at a different camp..more "camp camp"(roughing it).. where I was running wild through the wilderness like a raving lunatic-but enough about that.. For the time being I am going to post the pictures/stories from the retreat I just returned from.

 Background story: We'd just finished playing a wide-game of.. umm was it pool-noodle soccer..(hence the glow sticks to show what team we were on.)Hah anyways.. I love the way my trusty old phone camera', was able to show the different dimensions to the campfire; the odd flicker of blue, deep shades of scarlet, and the glowing embers.. (I'm not a pyromaniac.. honest. ;)

This was the same fire-pit.. but on the next morning. We had a finger painting contest, and then displayed our artwork around the fire... And in our snottiest Artist impression, had to describe the story/hidden meanings behind our art. I got kind of nervous and said something stupid like..
''Uh I painted some trees..burning..uh on fire.. because you never know when that could happen in the future...and then I stuck these spitz on the tree trunks to uh-channel my inner spit?".
Here is a picture.. of several trees. I enjoy the different tones and variations of green, as well as the dark trunks that wind their way through the forest.

And here, is a rather chaotic video of some singing around the camp-fire. Enjoy ;).

And have a beautiful day! My challenge for you today is to get outside.. with a group of friends.. or even just by yourself! Go and experience the natural beauty that God, the creator, has surrounded us with!


Thursday, 16 May 2013

Atrocious Art: Part 2

Here's a bunch of recent doodles of mine/and what not, all crammed into one video.
Lovely description.. I know..


Your Daily... Compliment?

And your compliment for the day, is....

Friday, 10 May 2013

Novel: Preview.

As most (okay probably only like 1% of you haha) know.. I'm in the process of writing a book called
''The Starving Artists". I was going to give you a little snippet from one of the first chapters, but I decided against it. Muahahaahaa. Ah hem. Pardon that diabolical laughter.

Instead of a chapter, here's a quick novel description.

The Starving Artists
In the depths of a thriving metropolitan city,
dwells a musician called "Vyolis the Virus".
But as pieces of the puzzle come together,
stories entertwine with her own....and soon
a futuristic tale Vyolis finds herself
faced with the cold hard truth, of a choice she
made years ago.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Eternal Life

At first I did not know what this article was going to be about. I wasn't even looking at what I was typing. Okay..only a little. Do you ever wish you could write something that would change lives? Some say dreams are better left forgotten. But I say that with the most unimaginable dreams, can come the most beautiful outcomes. Back to the main part of this write-up. Is this really our home? Because I believe our life here is only temporarily. There comes a day when we will leave it all behind. So.. while we're all still here.. why not embrace the rainiest of days.. Instead of feeling flooded by a wave of depression when you turn the news on at 6 pm... feel a rush of gratitude. You're still alive. Your life is still an open book.. But that's the thing.. What if I told you that your life never had to come to an end? What if there really was a way to have eternal life.. and to live forever?

But then.. I tell you that there's only one way to achieve this eternal life. And that way is God. The only way. You're not going to get there through Buddha...

It's as simple as this.. You pray. And ask Jesus (God's son who died on the cross for the sins of us all) to enter your heart.. Pray and and tell God that you'd like to live your life for him. And that you believe in him.  All it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed...
Will I see you in heaven?

Stream of Consciousness Poetry.
I'm just going to write a poem, about
whatever words and things come to mind. Here we go.

There's a drum that lives
in my eardrum,
studying that can wait,
There's a hum in my earhum,
worrying can wait.

Golden dust come over me,
God's love has set me free.
Silver silver silver
Emerald trees.

Whispering whispering spreading
through the grass.

Scitter scatter skeeter me.
Scitter skatte skeeter me.

Ivory, satin, jasmine, and lilac.
Vivacious, gracious, flourishing
like a thousand shades of may.

Dance the dance the dance the dusk
is drawing near.
Dance the dance the dance the tusk
of an elephant and its ear.

Frollick until your arms grow weak,
sing until your voice cannot creak.

Spinning in a pattern that cannot
be named,
sharing god's word, instead of your own fame.

Wielding a shield made out of iron,
waterfalls that fall across,
your face is glowing,
never showing
the anger that boils within.

Glowing glowing no-one
knowing. But while you're fretting,
don't be forgetting.. That you are you are
not alone. The worries you share.aren't just your own.

Sobbing tears made out of ice,
why must your life be so cold,
when other's have it nice?

But do not do not be mistaken.
The smiles you see around you,
may be fakened.

Dance and dance and bring others around.
Dance and dance and think of the world.
Dance and dance and leave your worries with
Dance and dance and love those around you.
Share God's word, give your heart to him, and live and live to make him proud. Speak up admist the crowd.  And one day you'll dance in heaven.

Tumblr Inspiration

Hello my princesses, peasants, and gnomes.
Sorry that was a really weird intro.. haha.
Just thought I'd spread the love, and share a litte
bit of tumblr inspiration.. beautiful images that spark
the creative roots, that live inside of us all..
Heres a couple of my favs. that I've recently been on the rampage' reblogging.

muahahha only two for today.

keep on being funky funksters