Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Tumbling Rumblings

Well hello my lovely little labradoodles,

Haha okay I'm sorry I'm sorry.. I've just always

wanted to start a blog post that way.
Welcome welcome! Today you're in for a real treat.
(not literally.. my bad.. if I got your hopes up.)
I am going to be starting a new series here called:

Tumbling Rumblings!-Jenna's thoughts on the platform.

1. It's great fun and all, but having a tumblr doesn't magically turn you into a ''blogger'' overnight.

Blogging requires great deals of time, effort, hardship, stress,  sea sickness, sorrow, suffering, pain, misery, misfortune, arthritis, toe cramping, keyboard slapping, hacking, and snacking.
(don't take me too seriously.)

Okay so deep down in my.. gizzard?! There are parts of tumblr that I enjoy as much as the next person.

The incredible photography. The creativity. The inspiration... bla bla bla.
But hey... it's called Tumbling Rumblings for a reason.. I have to at least pretend to grumble and tumble.

Peace out yo.

-Jenna McTumbleRumble.

Jenna is Scheming.

I have some super top secret, confidential news to share with y'all.
But first..


My Pet Peeves!

WABAM! HAHAH bet this blog post isn't what you thought it was going to be..

This is my pet. His name is Peeves... and he's not actually my pet. I stole him from tumblr, solely for this post.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Well.. how lovely.

I have some earth-shattering, ground-breaking, concrete smashing news
for you today.....

(Must I say more?)

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Cozy Cafes

There is something so endearing about a warm little cafe, where you're greeted with a bright smile a ''Good Morning!'' and a coffee roasted to perfection.
Mmmm.. the things I would do if I had a penny to spare.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Your Not So Daily Compliment!

I know what you're thinking right now...
''Oh stop it Jenna! You're making me blush''.

Friday, 8 March 2013

It's Poetry Time!

Upon an arctic hill,
where the twilight shone,
there stood a walrus,
tusks both gone.

Silver light caught
on the gaps,
and all who passed
beneath the hill would
and the creature who
missed two essential
parts-  as the days
grew on- what he had lost-
returned. On a day mid may-
when the sun was bright and
the air was lively-both tusks grew
in-and the village cheered timely.

(just a random poem.)

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Things That Look Real Neat

Here are a small collection of things that as the title implies ''look real neat''/or are just plain funny
(or at least in my opinion they are.)

Really Cool Story

This is going to be a very interesting little story.. so prepare yourselves for the ur umm exciting stuff.
yup. alright.

SO.. It started out like any other day,

I was heading up the stairs on my way to
first block and then WACHAMBAMYAM
I tumbled forth on the last step
and smack hit the ground and 
at the time I even thought I'd broke
my knee (if that's possible?)
Turns out I didn't break it,
but let me tell you it sure left a mark.

Okay so this sounded like a better story

in my head.
I fell up the stairs, hurt my knee.
But I'm still alive, so. Yay.